Visualise both 'scanning' and 'fixing' activity
Currently any activity of Bliss is shown as 'scanning' in the top left side of the home screen, while it is not the same as 'active fixing / writing'
Please visualise both these activities in the top left of the home screen. (i.e. Green/Red status)
Now, by the light blue running circle and remark, it looks like Bliss is just scanning the database (looking for things to fix) for hours not knowing that it might actually be working hard fixing some detail far deep in the database.

If it just says "Scanning", you're right, it's just looking for files.
When it's analysing and fixing stuff it should say "Scanned 30 of 237 albums" (or whatever the numbers should be).
I agree this could be better communicated but it requires more screen real estate.