Bug: album dates with month and day breaks file path renaming
I believe I've discovered a bug with file naming in my library.
Applied rules:
- albums must have year, and the year must match releases
- file path: <album artist>-<year>-<album name>
It seem like if there's multiple releases identified, and the 'year' for the releases has at least one with a 'year-month-day' value (2008-04-12), then the file path naming will break.
Maybe the bug is actually that it won't set the year if it's the long format noted above? Each of these albums ends up having an [Unset] year.
To resolve this, I manually go in, specify a 4-digit year (2008) and then the right path can be applied.

What do you mean by "break" here? What do you see?
Is this for an MP4 album? You might be right - it might relate to the formats permitted by the tag schema.
Could you send a debug archive - "Help" > "Download debug archive" - to support@blisshq.com ?