More options for Cover art max data size
Maximum cover art data size only has these options with a max of 1MB:
64 KB
128 KB
256 KB
320 KB
512 KB
1 MB
Can we up this limit, adding options in increments of 0.5 MB (i.e. 1,5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, etc.) perhaps up to a maximum of 5 or 10 MB?
My reason for asking is most of my new music is purchased downloads from iTunes, which up until recently have had art of around 200-700kb, but in the last two weeks, my recent new purchases have been between 1 and 2.3 MB.
With digital storage getting larger, and faster Wi-Fi connections, I'd like to now be able to limit my album art size to 2.5 MB, rather than the somewhat limiting 1 MB. This will still catch overly large album art (which can often come with Bandcamp downloads), but won't mean I have to resize all my downloads from iTunes?
I'm guessing this would be a very quick change to implement in your filter settings, even if this doesn't get many up-votes?

Cool, thanks for the update. Obviously this approach isn't ideal, but wanted to provide a workaround if you needed it.
Andrew Morrison commented
Got it. Was getting my numbers wrong. Copied the figure in your example, when it should have been 2621440 bytes. Noted that when that setting was changed and Bliss reopened, the GUI show it set to 2 MB - gues it's not set to show .5 increments. For my own piece of mind I've now set it to 3145738 so it corresponds with 3 MB in the user interface, so what I see on screen is what it's checking for. Sorry for the multiple messages this evening, but I got there! Clearing and rescanning now - looks like it's working this time!
Andrew Morrison commented
I'll email a screenshot of my Putty settings
Andrew Morrison commented
Checked the settings file again in Putty and it had set the value to 26 rather than 262144. Updated it again and confirmed it had saved. Stared and opened Bliss, clicked 'Clear and rescan' and nothing happened. Just an empty albums list and no icon indicating scanning activity. Anything I can do?
Andrew Morrison commented
Update. The adjustment didn't work. Lots of albums now being flagged as too large, when I know I have nothing larger than 2.2 MB. Think it's defaulted back to looking for those larger than 256kb. Any suggestions?
Andrew Morrison commented
Thanks for that. Quite fiddly to achieve (why Synology doesn't let me log in to all areas of my Diskstation from Windows Explorer I'll never know). But I got there. it's now rescanning all my albums, but I note in the settings, the Cover art data size setting now says "Artwork should be smaller than 256 KB." Is this expected behaviour (i.e. there's no graphical display option to show a higher value than 1MB, so it goes back to displaying value of 256 KB, even though in the settings it's actually looking for those above 2.5 MB?
Gotta say though, the Putty thing is mighty fiddly. Great that there's an option for me to change these settings, but a few more maximum file size options in the dropdown list of hte user interface in 0.5 MB increments would be a much more user friendly function.
As always though, thanks for your sterling efforts on this software - absolutely love it, and it's perfect for running in the background on my Synology!
You'd have to use ssh, like in
cd /var/packages/bliss/target/var/.bliss
cp setttings settings.bak
nano settings
[make the changes then ctrl-o, ctrl-x to save and exist]Then restart bliss.
Andrew Morrison commented
Thanks for the reply Dan. Any advice as to how I can get to the folder those files are saved within from Windows with Bliss installed on Synology Diskstation? Don't know how to access them from Windows Explorer.
So, similar to
Workaround: this is possible to do yourself by following these instructions: except change:
To the number you want...