add logic to conditionally use tags in filename
i like to name my files with as little info as possible, but as much info as necessary in order to be able to clearly allocate the correct artist, album and track:
<artist> - <album> - <discnumber:nn if greater than 1><tracknumber:nn> - <songtitle>
example for a single disc album song:
Jim Morrison - An American Prayer - 02 - Ghost Song.mp3
example for a multi-disc album song:
Booker T. & The MG's - Time Is Tight - 0208 - Johnny, I Love You.mp3
i suggest to be able to conditionally use tags in the filename such as "IF discnumber > 1 USE <discnumber:nn>"

Faisal commented
The ability to create a "DISC 1" Folder if the album contains MORE than 1 disc ONLY.
What I'd like:
Pink Floyd\
\ DISK 1\
\01 - Song 1 A
\02 - Song 2 A
\03 - Song 3 A
\ DISK 2\
\01 - Song 1 B
\02 - Song 2 B
\03 - Song 3 B
\*.flacWhat currently happens:
Pink Floyd\
\01 - Song 1 A
\01 - Song 1 B
\02 - Song 2 A
\02 - Song 2 B
\03 - Song 3 A
\03 - Song 3 B
\*.flacPattern I use:
<album artist>/<album name>/<tracknumber>?|<tracknumber:auto>-|<track name>Pattern I'm requesting:
<album artist>/<album name>/<disknumber_IF_GT1>?DISK <DISKNUMBER>/<tracknumber>?|<tracknumber:auto>-|<track name> -
One of the other problems is that bliss currently runs when it sees an album. So if it sees an album with "Disc 1" - is that a multidisc album or not? It might not have scanned the other album yet...
Shaun Hill commented
I can run a filter to detect these so I am only working with them when applying this action.
Shaun Hill commented
For now I have gone back to mp3tag which gives me the option to rename/move albums which are part of a multi-disc set including changing the folder structure from Artist>Album>Disc 1 etc to Artist>Album (Disc 1) etc, adding this to the album name for each disc and changes the formatting of 'part of set' from 1/2 to 1 etc.
Perhaps at the very least you could introduce this as part of the review process giving users the option for multidisc albums?
! 3=1[#1]
1=$replace(%ALBUM%,'[','(',']',')') (Disc %discnumber%)[#2]
1=$replace(%TRACK% %TITLE%,'[','(',']',')') -
Unfortunately you can't. See which is my favoured way of implementing this.
Shaun Hill commented
It feels like this feature could be implemented and it's frustrating that it's not there.
Bliss is set to automatically move files/folders, what do I specifically need to do if I want to stop this but only in relation to albums which have multiple discs with tags stating disc 1/2 and disc 2/2 etc?
You either:
- Don't use the rule!
- Use discnumber in the pattern
- Use a conditional discnumber in the pattern, and remove discnumber from the albums with one piece of media: -
Shaun Hill commented
If in the mean time I have to manually rename folders to album name (disc number), how do I stop bliss from moving all the tracks back into one folder?
Shaun Hill commented
For example, I have a folder with both discs in it and they are correctly tagged disc 1/2 and disc 2//2.
Shaun Hill commented
I think conditional formatting is a must.
If part of a set of discs
Artist [Folder]>Album Name (Disc 1)[Folder]>Track Number & Track Name[File Name]
Artist[Folder]>Album Name (Disc 2)[Folder]>Track Number & Track Name[File Name]If no subsequent discs
Artist[Folder]>Album Name[Folder]>Track Number & Track Name[File Name] -
Simon commented
I want something similar to this, but not quite this. I would like to use <totaldiscs> >= 2 as the condition to include in the filename "(Disc <discnumber>)". So that single-disc albums don't have this qualifier added.
I just wanted to add... The trouble with using disc number in this way is - how do you know if another set of files has disc number >= 2? Because if there is, the decision should include the disc folder, and not otherwise.
The more deterministic way of doing this is to look at disc max number which should indicate how many discs are in a given release. Then use your logic on that tag rather than discnumber.
Jay commented
+3 votes from me...
I have a lot of single disc albums that unfortunately have disc number tags set to 1.
I want to use discnumber in my folder structure, but only if discnumber > 1.
Ah, ok, so when you have single disc albums with discnumber=1 then you want to be able to choose a different pattern.
If the discnumber is absent then it is already possible to do this:
... but that doesn't work where discnumber=1 and it's single disc.