Allow rules with boolean and simple text manipulation(truncation, concatenation, insertion of delimiters in text strings, See below:
All the keys containing malleable text should be able to be manipulated. For instance I use merged keys - artist key: Director(if there is one): performing entities delineated with commas; Soloist. Also would be nice to assign the instrument the soloist is using delineated by(). This would greatly automate consistency. I have used iTunes for a long time. For classical music I configure manually the Album title space with several keys: Last name of Composer or Performing group name: Either album title or the form of the piece,e.g., Cantata, trio etc: subpart of piece 1. andante in e-flat major,e.g. I think you get the idea. Perhaps there is another great tool available of which I am unaware? These sort of simplified coding ideas manipulating strings and variable could be made very straightforward, perhaps with a popup list of pertinent strings or substrings.
Could you give some examples of album and artist names this leads to? I assume you're just talking about album and artist?
This sounds like , would you agree?