Filter ARTISTS by compliance type
I'd like to be able to filter the ARTIST by compliance type (especially non-compliant). This is possible now to filter for Albums that are non-compliant, so I'd like the same filtering features for Artists.
I'd like to sort out the compliance for some Artists that I am keen on first, and others are low priority, or could even be ignored.
Apologies if this idea has apready been suggested (or if it exists somehow in bliss in a way that I dont know then please just let me know).
Thanks, Adam

Yeah, separate request :) vote for:
Adam commented
Thanks Dan. Your proposal sounds good to me, so that if any albums for an artist are non-compliant then the artist is listed as non-compliant.
Perhaps the following is a seperate request? But it follows on from the first to help jump straight to a particular artist. Can you create other filter features in the yellow "filter bar" (or whatever you call it) that shows in the Albums page, to also work for Artists?
Maybe you can even copy some code from the "Album filter" module if bliss is written like that?
I would really like to be able to jump straight to some artists e.g. Starts with the letter "M", rather than clicking through many pages to get there. Trying to find music by "Madness" drives me, well, slightly mad just to get there.
This may be going "one step beyond" reasonable for one request, but if I could get to filter to select the non-compliant Artists, and also filter those starting with "M", then than would be even better. Cheers, Adam
Nice idea. I would write it such that if *any* of the artists' albums are non-compliant, the artist is non-compliant too. Only if *all* of an artists' albums are compliant is the artist compliant.