Pick Album language
Sometimes, a same album come in different country with track titles in EN, DE, BR, SP.... For instance : ...Nothing Like The Sun / Sting : Bliss instists to rename tracks into Spanish instead of Eng. I see all the released album in the list, but can't tell Bliss to pick this occurrence over the others... even if i un-link all others.
Need a way to pick this album before others and tag accordingly.

I'm guessing it comes from audio fingerprinting...
Fred commented
just to rre-inforce the need, Bliss keeps pushing japanese version for some reason...
1 Chandelier = シャンデリア
2 Big Girls Cry = ビッグ・ガールズ・クライ
2 Big Girls Cry = ビッグ・ガールズ・クライ
3 Burn The Pages = バーン・ザ・ページズ
4 Eye Of The Needle = アイ・オブ・ザ・ニードル
5 Hostage = ホステージ
6 Straight For The Knife = ストレート・フォー・ザ・ナイフ
7 Fair Game = フェア・ゲーム -
Yes; at the moment we don't allow a separate manual search, and picking the releases to link could be easier.
Fred commented
I could imagine something like that indeed. I would how ever provide an option to let the user choose the locale, or geoip or origin of the artist if that is an available information.
One thing to look at may be from Plex, that will provide you the option to auto match the meta, or let you fill in the details to do the search manually, provide a list, pick one and tag accordingly the selected tracks.
Good point. Also, more generally, we could attempt to lower the score of albums which aren't from the locality of the user. Or maybe that's trying to be too clever.