Ability to code own rules
The existing rule base is a good starting point. Give the user more power with a codeable rule base: E.g.:
If artist is "Beatles" and year is 1965-1968 then tag genre als "hard rock"
Just use the already available tags and mix them as you need.....

I looked to do this today, but unfortunately there's no way to contribute a "sophisticated" custom rule at the moment. I'll have to build this into a new version...
Yep, ok. You're right, I'd like to build in a script editor, but haven't got to this yet.
The other thing is that the regex rules which are the "dumbed down" custom rules don't allow variables (e.g. the artist) to be specified - instead they expect a literal string or a string using the groups captured in the regex.
However there is a more sophisticated type of custom rule, used by some of the rules shipped with bliss, that might work. I'll try to get some time to look at this tomorrow.
Regarding the choice of albums - this can of course be done at the moment by pointing bliss at different folders, but that's obviously cumbersome!
Anonymous commented
...and by the way, can you point me to the right direction which regex rules bliss uses? My current need for example is: SET albumartist to artist and second script SET artist to albumartist
Anonymous commented
Hmm.... agree to disagree. Thanks in the first place for the script solution, but the "Beatles" example was exactly that... an example.
My request comes from the situation that some tags live very long and at some point you need or want to change them and they show up on several places.
You answered partly with the solution, but it's inconsistent. Bliss has a very sophisticated user oriented interface, but if someone has an advanced request, you say : go to the command line?For me, a good approach would also be, to offer an editor solution to edit and manage the script(s) you mentioned in your link.
I would break this down to two parts.
The latter part is to an extent already done - https://www.blisshq.com/music-library-management-blog/2017/10/25/setting-various-artists-name/
The former part is the "If artist is beatles" bit. This I disagree with and would like to see the same basic principle achieved as per https://www.blisshq.com/music-library-management-blog/2017/08/01/ruleset-selecta/ . This avoids too much logic in the rules.