Scan for new items only
Hi Dan
There's an option to Scan for new and changes. Could there be an option for New Items ONLY?
When I add newly ripped albums to my Synology NAS, I am often too impatient to wait for an auto detect but if I use the option to scan for news and changes items, the entire library is scanned.
If it's looking for changes, I assume it must be a fairly deep scan? Could we have a high level scan that looks for top level folders that are new, and processes only those?
In the past I have got round this by resetting the music library source from the root to the specific new folder, but that's fiddly. I have to remember to change it back again afterwards. And it's a bit of a PITA when you add multiple albums

The only way to make this faster is, as you say, to scan a subset of folders, such as just the root. However I'm having trouble framing that as an option - seems a bit too technical for some to understand.
Maybe the ability to import/add a folder would be better?