Detection/Search for Unprocessed Tracks
99% of the time, Bliss Just Works (TM), which is great. But I do find that, for one reason or another, I'll get files (sometimes just 1-2 in an album, other times whole albums) that won't get processed. Finding them, and figuring out why Bliss didn't handle them is difficult at present. It would be useful to be able to quickly identify every likely music file in the library (e.g., everything with a .mp3, .flac, etc. extension) that Bliss has not processed, along perhaps with some code indicating what Bliss thinks might be going on. Was the file not able to be parsed? Was there some other problem? This would really help in trying to find and fix the "ones that goe away" in my collection.
Thanks for your work on Bliss! It has started to make my collection manageable again!
This would have to be done on a case by case basis, and I would suggest saving the information in the Activity page with a specialised filter (or maybe the "scan" category could be used)...
Could you also send us a debug archive to with the files that weren't processed for you? We can check the cause is logged.