Have bliss create reports designed to identify changes between releases in 'Compliance is' stats
bliss could do an album by album 'text' report (spreadsheet style like tags pages) of the library status prior to installing the new version and another dump after installation of the new. bliss could ask the user if they wanted to get a report when they have clicked on 'Update' and again after they have installed the new version.
[Column] - Album Title [data] Name of album
[Column] - Compliant [data] ( one of the following )
- no linked releases ( means the album is Compliant by default (CBD) - this is good info to have )
- one linked release ( probably the one you want )
- multiple linked releases ( you may want to examine this more closely )
[Column] - Non-compliant [data] yes or no
[Column] - Artwork [data] yes or no
Then we need a utility to compare the two reports and list all albums which have changed status.
Unmatched albums in the second report are additions to the library.
Text in ( ) is just my comments.
The more I think about this, the more I like it. ;-)
What provoked the idea was an increase of 11 compliant albums and a decrease of 2 missing art albums between the 20180806 version and the previous one. There is at present no way to identify which albums were involved.

I think the nicest way of solving this would be:
1) Not discarding compliance data between releases and
2) Maintaining historical stats (and a way of viewing them)I've had the thought that (2) should be part of a dashboard on the home page of bliss (rather than albums).