renewals should extend based on expiration date, not renewal date
I just purchased a renewal and noticed that my new expiration date is a year from when i purchased the renewal, not a year after my current license expires.

Just cleaning – up this was fixed back in 2017!
Ok, I misunderstood this, and I understand you now.
For example, if a licence expires on 31st March 2018 and a new licence is purchased on the 25th March 2018, once installed the new expiry date will be 25th March 2019. You're correct, it should be 31st March 2019 (we ain't Costco ;-) ).
This requires a fix in bliss, and I'll look at it for the next release.
Hi - please get in touch with me by the support email address. There are actually two types of renewal to cover this, and I think one batch may have been submitted of the wrong "type".
Sorry - shouldn't have marked this completed before...