Re: Album artist. Blissgives me no choice in determining what I prefer as a "compliant" entry.
Re: Alblum artist. Bliss defaults to the found alblum artist, but gives me no choice in determining if I want that as a "compliant" entry. For example; in the 1987 album Anything Goes, the "complaint" album artist enrty according to Bliss is "1987 Original Broadway Cast". But I would prefer "Various" or Various Artist. When I make that change with a tag editor, the album remains uncomplaint, but THAT is the way I would prefer it, so when I sort via artist in my preferred player, this album shows up correctly FOR me.

Thanks Barry, I think I understand now. You are referring to the <album artist> token in the file organisation rule.
Yeah, you're right this is hard baked to use whatever bliss works out to be the album artist. In this case, either the album artist tag in your music files is "1987 Broadway Revival Cast" or all the track artist tags in each track are.
This is a little different because essentially you want to override what the <album artist> token evaluates to.
I wonder if your other idea - "custom toggle for cover art threshold specs" - actually hints at a solution? One way of approaching it may be a way of overriding compliance for a given album with different rules. In this case, you could reset the file org pattern just for this album.
Barry Santini commented
Example copied:
Dan, The music player I use can sort via album artist, as most can. What I prefer for this album, for example, is that the artist remain "Various" or "Various Artists", rather than what Bliss finds on its look-up for metedata, which is "1987_Broadway_Revival_Cast" in this example. So when I rename the artist folder in windows to my liking, Bliss, upon rescan, reveals this album as non-compliant. Do you understand? Thanks. Great software, BTW.
Another item I would like is a "custom" toggle for cover art threshold specs. For example, I have a cover, the best I can find, which is 500 x 479. Bliss always delivers this album as non-compliant, but it is "close-enough" for me. -
Barry, there's no rule in bliss that checks album artist. When you say bliss is assessing the compliance of the album artist, what do you mean exactly? I would think something else for which you have a rule enabled is non-compliant, hence the current status.