Add ability to filter and print the activity log
After Bliss has completed its library scan, it would be good to be able to identify those albums which Bliss touched and, more importantly, which ones it didn't (or couldn't).
Being able to filter the activity log by "found non-compliant" or "modified" and then printing that filtered list would make it much easier to then go through and manually correct those albums

mactigerman commented
<Dan Gravell (Founder and programmer, bliss) commented · February 12, 2012 2:25 PM · Flag as inappropriate
Yeah filters for the activity page would be useful. Free text search would also be useful.>Perhaps you can implement the second part in one of the next releases.
Nigel commented
Print and filter but also sort on any filed plus CSV download pleaae
@Roy if the album is in the non compliant list, and you only have the cover art rule enabled, then bliss has tried and failed to find art automatically. You can sometimes find extra art for that album by clicking the pencil icon and viewing the change art screen. Further, if you want to choose a lot of artwork at once, use the cover art alternatives page:
Any album in the compliant or non-compliant list has completed its scan. When the scan is progressing, you get "unknown" and the progress spinner.
Roy Donaldson commented
I also find that that in the album list I get a number of Non-Compliant albums. Now, I'm not sure whether Bliss cannot find artwork to place there, is still running and so looking for artwork, or if it is giving me a list of Albums where I now know I need to go off an get artwork for.
@Adriana sorry, not yet. You can get a MUCH more verbose log at http://localhost:3221/logs (replace localhost with your computer name if running elsewhere) which is printable but this is very 'technical' and probably not understandable(!)
Adriana OLoughlin commented
I would like to be able to print the Activity Log...does anybody know if that is possible and how to do it?
Yeah filters for the activity page would be useful. Free text search would also be useful.
Note that you can filter the album view by non-compliant albums, which might make searching easier...