Standardize Capitalization of Tags (Album, Title, etc)
I (like most of you) am a bit anal about my music collection. I prefer all my tags to follow proper capitalization rules. I've standardized all my album names to match case wise ("A Hard Day's Night", "Beatles for Sale"), but applying these same rules to the track titles is just not feasible to do manually. Some of my track titles have every word capitalized, others have no capitalization. It would be great if there could be an option to allow bliss to correct tag capitalization. It could have an option to follow standard title rules (something like, and the option to capitalize every word, since I know others prefer that instead.
carlton commented
I have several albums that do not use Standardize Capitalization i.e. ‘the psychomodo’ by Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel. I believe that it was the artists’ intent to have it this way and therefore we shouldn’t change it. Surely music is about the creativeness not neat filing.
Shawn Kernen commented
I use Audiofiler first []. It has a tag fixer, smart capitalization, puts audio in proper folders and other functions. The only thing it was missing was an auto art finder; this is where BLISS comes in. It would be awesome if you could combine the two.
Yeah, I've thought this would be a good idea for a while. In fact this drives my wife mad - she will sometimes be scrolling through our music and then often asks "when are you going to do the capitalisation thing for bliss?" !