add <trackartist> to the set of tags available for "organize folder"
Like it says on the tin...
Many compilations have an overall album artist (eg. "various Artists") but a separate artist for each track.
It would be absolutely brilliant to allow one format for single-artist discs (eg. <track> - <name>) and another for compilations (eg. <track> - <artist> - <name>), possibly by using the ID3 compilation flag.

This has now been completed:
James commented
Bless Bliss....can't wait!... thx Dan! :)
James commented
When I'm working on it I'll update the status. It's not looking likely for the next release, which has the automatic track number formatting addition in there.
James commented
The new release was mostly bug fixes... Hope this makes into the next release... patiently awaits... :)
I hear you, but I have to prioritise roughly by: votes ÷ difficulty . As this is low difficulty, it may be implemented sooner rather than later. But fixing bugs always takes priority.
Anonymous commented
Please.... add this in the next release?!.... Bliss is not very useful for me without this feature. I would really love to have Bliss to organize my huge library. And I am not ready to give up and retag all tracknames in my library just because bliss doesn't support it yet.
Really want to use bliss for managing filenames! eagerly waiting... thx
James commented
"I did some file organizing today and missed a <artist> variable... spec for mixed albums where i like the filename format: <tracknumber>. <artist> - <trackname>"
same here
James commented
Please...... this is too simple a feature. isn't it? Just add a variable?
More votes = more chance it'll be implemented, and sooner! Although this isn't a big change, so I might get to it faster...
Anonymous commented
I also need this <track artist> feature. Is it still in the works?
@Giacomo You can already do this, see . Is that what you mean?
Giacomo Bruzzo commented
Hi would love for bliss to be able to separate mp3 from flac files - in the case where one has mp3 and flac versions of the same album
Peter van der Laan commented
Hi Dan,
I'm running a large music database en have been looking for an application like this for many years. It seems that it will save me a lot of time in finding the right covers and in track naming.
However in my collection are a lot of compilations which are stored in seperate folders under a main folder called "verzamel" (free dutch translation for "various artists").
It would be great if I could use bliss for organising these compilations by renaming the tracks to the right format as well.
I really miss the "track artist" field as I use this in the trackname.
Is there any chance to put this on the "wish list" ?
Thanks in advance for your comment on this and thanks again for such a great application.
Peter -
Additional comment from @bo.herrmannsen in
"I did some file organizing today and missed a <artist> variable... spec for mixed albums where i like the filename format: <tracknumber>. <artist> - <trackname>"
According to this: you are correct, track artist = contributing artist.
Where you have multiple, the artists are separated by semi-colons.
Do you mind if I change this idea to "Add track artist to file organisation patterns"?
Derek Smith commented
Is there some software I can use to get the actual name? Every tagging software I've used calls these tags by different names, here are some I know:
TagScanner: Artist
Metatogger: Artist
MS Windows: Contributing ArtistSo it looks like <artist> would be the correct tag.
Do you know what tag is used for contributing artist?
Track artist may also be used... this is the artist of the individual track. That would be a simple matter of adding support for <track artist>. You would also need support for different rules for compilations:
Thanks - I just changed the title to clarify this is for trackartist.
Regarding different rules for compilations, please create a new idea. A similar idea is which is more about the destination folder which compilations end up being placed in.