Truncate filenames to comply with file system limits
Especially with classical albums, they can get very long file names or directory names which exceed the limit imposed by various file systems. If Bliss automatically truncated very long file names to comply with the file system then it would avoid orphaned files that get left behind when Bliss is cataloguing and arranging files.

Franco Barberis commented
The long names and long paths that Bliss has created for some of my files makes them unusables for other software like JRiver. In addition, long filenames cant be changed via OS. It should be a truncate paths and filenames behavior and maybe with a secuential renamig, like "Path\long subpath_1\long filename_1.flac; long filename_2.flac, etc " because if shortened some files and path could end with the same name
Thanks. Things to consider:
- Total length of file path
- Length of individual parts of the file name (folder/file names)