Identify MP3's with Progressive JPEG Album Art
Progressive JPEG's are not widely compatible with music players .... specifically Mazda Connect in my case.
It would be great to be able to identify MP3's with progressive Album Art and ideally flatten the image.

Ah yes - that should workaround it, but at the expense of larger (in terms of data size) images...
Dave commented
I ran across this issue for my newly acquired Sony NW-WM1Z. My solution is to switch to PNG instead, which doesn't appear to have issues.
Will know once the library has rescanned and I copy across!
John C commented
Yes, adding a built in jpg conversion feature would be a big improvement to bliss
Jack Mahaffey commented
We can add Pioneer AVH receivers to the list of others that cannot handle progressive artwork. If Bliss can flag them (if provided by the user and included in the album folder) as progressive or just automatically convert them to baseline that would be great. At a minimum, Bliss should automatically convert any artwork it finds on the Internet to baseline before embedding.
Dave SJA commented
I would really appreciate this being added to Bliss as well, jpeg progressive to baseline conversion. As with most comments, progressive artwork does not display on my Audi MMI with SD Card. I have to make a note of which artwork does not display (this week 'Dookie' by Green Day) and save the image in Paint before reapplying with mp3tag. Having Bliss do this on-the-fly would be a real time saver. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
Would love for this to be implemented.
Yeah, this has come up a couple of times in the past few weeks...
Jens Mander commented
I have this need aswell. My car radio does not show progressive jpgs. Finding out which ones are progressive is a pain in the ass. Some time ago I converted all my collection's embedded art with irfan view to baseline, but over time progressive jpg embedded art finds its way in the collection and I can only notice when it's too late, meaning when I'm already playing it in the car and no cover shows.
No, if there's already art there it won't see the "folder" file has been changed and re-embed...
Andrew Morrison commented
Thanks for the suggestion Dan. I managed to use IrfanView to view all the Folder.jpg files within their folder directory structure, then loslesly convert them to baseline at their original locations.
Question: Do I need to carry out the 'all embedded art removed' step of your instructiions? All my albums have Folder.jpg (or Folder.png) in each folder, and art embedded in all tracks. Of around 2,500 albums, around 1,000 have now been changed from progressive to baseline (the others already were baseline). I have 'Listen for file changes and assess music automatically' ticked, so will Bliss automatically identify the Folder.jpgs that have changed to baseline and re-embed them - without me having to carry out the 'all embedded art removed' step first? Or will 'Clear all and rescan everything' pick up the altered jpgs and replace the embedded versions?
Have you tried BatchPhoto? On a Linux platform, Image Magick will probably do it somehow.
What you could do is:
- Set bliss to remove embedded art
- Apply rules - all embedded art removed
- Run separate software to convert the folder.jpg files
- Set bliss to embed art (bliss will embed from folder.* if "folder" is set in the cover art filename field)
- Apply rules - all non-progressive JPEGs embeddedTake backups first ;-)
Andrew Morrison commented
Yes, for embedded art - and also the main album image if saved in the root album folder. I have around 2,000 albums, 1,000 of which appear have progressive art that won't show on my Sony Walkman (very frustrating). I've not yet found a separate piece of software that can losslessly convert these to baseline where the 'Folder.jpg' images currently sit in their directory trees - and I don't want to pull them up into one folder for batch editing, renaming and dragging and dropping back into their album folders. Do you know of any (free) software that can batch edit progressive to baseline all relevant jpgs within a folder structure tree? It would be fab if Bliss could sort this out as part of its routine scanning!
Is this for embedded art?
For image files, you could use a separate image processing app.
Andrew Morrison commented
Now high capacity iPods are dead (and my one broke), I've had to opt for a Sony Network Walkman (NW-A35 in my case), synchronised with my music library via MediaMonkey (as Sony's proprietary software is terrible).
My lovingly compiled album art doesn't all show on the device, as it needs images to all be baseline (progressive won't show). I've been unable to find a simple way of converting all my album art (21,000 tracks) easily to baseline, and a simple tickbox in Bliss to change progressive to baseline would really do the trick - it'd have to be lossless though, to avoid losing quality. Anything you can help us with Dan?
Andrew Morrison commented
I'd really love this function. Now high capacity iPods are dead (and my one broke), I've had to otp for Sony's Network Walkmen (NW-A35 in my case). My lovingly compiled album art doesn't all show on the device, as it needs images to all be baseline (progressive won't show). I've been unable to find a simple way of converting all my album art (21,000 tracks) easily to baseline, and a simple tickbox in Bliss to change progressive to baseline would really do the trick - it'd have to be lossless though, to avoid losing quality. Anyting you can help us with Dan?