This is not really a new idea. It's what I believe is a simpler way to implement the idea already presented by others regarding how to organize compilations. Adding this as a comment on all those threads probably would have come across as a bit annoying.
Some folks put compilations (and other special case releases) into separate folders and then use the ability to create multiple rulesets for those folders. This is great if you WANT to seperate these items, but it shouldn't be a REQUIREMENT. I prefer wide over deep where folder/file structure is concerned.
The COMPILATION (all caps here because it's FLAC/Vorbis tags that are my concern) token allows for this rule - <COMPILATION>? - followed by whatever you'd like to happen (in my case, and many others, the inclusion of track artist in the naming scheme). It doesn't matter how many different choices for "Various Artists" are supported because IF the flag is set THEN the rule applies (I know bliss is not a fan of IF THEN ELSE logic, but it really is useful).
I know <tag_field> is supposed to work with pretty much any field included in the metadata, and before making this suggestion I tried "<tag_field:COMPILATION>?| (<track artist>)|", but it only results in every album in my library being of "unknown" compliance with "Error while executing ToleranceAutomaticFixerPolicyCommand" as a reason.

Use instead.
Dan commented
That did it! Everything fell right in line as soon as I applied that. I'm figuring that other fields that resolve to a 0/1 condition would work the same way. Thanks very much.
Could you try:
Dan commented
...Sent. It's 25MB, so it had to be sent as a Google Drive link, but I'm figuring you're used to that.
That error is a bug. Could you send a debug archive?
What you are asking for makes sense.
As discussed at in my post on October 17, 2011 (!) I'd prefer a slightly different approach to avoid long winded logic.