ability to increase the number of albums shown on a page, 12 albums doesn't cut it.
ability to increase the number of albums shown on a page. Going through a large collection 12 albums at a time just doesn't cut it.

This feature was released today: http://www.blisshq.com/music-library-management-blog/2011/06/07/new-release-20110601-consolidate-track-artists-more-than-twelve-albums/ .
I’ve broken out the other ideas into separate tickets.
@Shaun Hill - there isn't this option yet - this original idea relates to the "Albums" page. Please create a new idea!
Shaun Hill commented
On the "Fix All Progress" page, it says "Showing 12 problems per page". Where is the option to change this? Preferably 12, 24, 48, 96 or unlimited. I'd like to see this option throughout the interface regardless of page on.
Another idea is that the overview could be filtered by source of compliance... e.g art, file org, genre etc. So you could filter the overview to show only albums that have non-compliant art, ignoring the genre or whatever else compliance.
This particular topic is just about increasing the number of albums viewed, though. I suppose a challenge of running these forums is splitting off separate ideas.
Paul H commented
As commented by Ian, a grid view would be a useful option, where the 'columns' could be filtered for compliance status. This would allow easier updates to larger libraries - eg list all music with a specific genre that does not have compliant art. Combine with listing by Album or artist as sugegsted elsewhere
Ian commented
Would like exactly as Dan has described, a single page details view preferably with the ability to amend the tags directly. Ability to order by by any column would be useful and inclusion of a date added/modified column to quickly check up on recent additions.
Jim! commented
How about allowing the user to define the grid size i.e 8x2, 10x3
Mike commented
I agree than 12 makes very slow going. 25 or 50 would be great.
This has been requested by email a few times. Thanks for posting it on the uservoice forum. In addition to showing more in the grid view, it would be good to have a list/table view with album names down the left, and columns for other aspects like artist names, compliancy of different rules and maybe shortcuts to functionality, e.g. changing the art, file paths or tags within the overview screen.