Show all albums on the page
Can we have 'all' - I have a fast machine and want to not have to page.

Anonymous commented
Well fi we can't have all, could we at least have a larger number, maybe even user defined? I routinely set it to 96 the edit the URL to make the number 500 and my Synology 916+ is fine with it.
But it's a PITA to have to keep doing that. I'd like to set it to 500 once and forget it please.
This would only ever happen if there were some way of buffering the albums, e.g. in an infinite scroll type approach. And then you end up with new UI issues - what happens to the back button etc (these aren't insurmountable but they might make things more difficult).
At some level there has to be a limit, because a music library is unbounded in size. Even if you have a fast machine, you could still hit the limits of memory or, indeed, the browser's client memory.
Anonymous commented
... and can our choice be sticky across sessions please?