Display Directory name and complete path for manual choosing album art
When choosing the album art manually nowhere you can know the directory name of the current "album" and that can help alot for choosing the good cover matching good album version

bob commented
Maybe only visible by mouse hovering (temporary displaying path to validate album matching) or clicking (permanent display for being able to copy to clipboard) on something (an icon, title, a text string...)
Yep. The only thing is balancing putting a lot of information on the page which might be useful. Still, I can see how this would be a good idea.
bob commented
Thanks for the quick reply !
- In the album detail page of course
- In the "Changing art manually" page (when clicking the change art icon in listing)
- In the cover art alternative page (when show =Cover Art alternative)
that will help alot when bliss do a mistake to confirm the error, or when it's specific version of the album (Import JP or UK, specific boxset version, reissue...) -
Which screen were you thinking of - the album detail page where you see the information for one album? This is a good idea.