txt based overview of changes AKA Excel sheet style
A similar idea has been posted like this, but I think this is different enough for a new idea.
Like in the other post is said, having a program "run" around in your music database with a carte blanche is freaky scary. Specially if the program hasn't yet been able to prove itself to you. In any case I still like to have some sight in what is going to happen with my music before saying, YES!
Bliss has already have a method to show what he's up to but I find it not easy enough for batch editing. I can have a maximum of 96 albums on my screen but I will have to scroll down a lot. This effects the time to verify the changes a lot.
I would rather see a very plain overview of the music library in txt view. Each row has a song, each column the filename/path, track#, artist, album, cover art [yes/no/size]. All fields that Bliss thinks that need to be fixed should be highlighted.
The change that is going to be applied could be displayed by mouse over the field or possibly by adding an extra row.
I know from experience with other editing tools, you can check whole folder structures very fast in such a way.