Additional Filenaming Mask - Move The to end
As you can use album name with blanks, no spaces, underscores etc perhaps there is a place for a file naming scheme that moves THE to the end. This would not impact on The in the TAG, leaving The Beatles alone but doing the file naming as Beatles, The.
Just thinking this could be used for Album Artist, Track Artist, Album Name, Track Name.
If you use the Sort Artist, for example, so that you get THE to the end what happens if the Sort field being used is blank. Works fine if the field is populated. Just seems to me that it would be easier if the file naming option was present and save the user work with having to get all the sort names correct.
Even if you had to do something like suffixThe(<Album Artist>) to call up a function to work on the Tag you have chosen. Though this has potential problems with underscores, no spaces etc. I am imagining that those who would use it are going to be using tags with spaces <Artist Name> so perhaps the option <Artist Name,The>
Anyway just an idea.